In this digital age of ephemeral 'likes', kudos and virtual badges, it's nice every so often to get your hands on something physical, tangible and - if possible - shiny, that won't vanish in a puff of electrons should a Californian server crash.

Shiny and real.
Shiny and real.

Café du Cycliste apparently feel the same; the cycling clothing brand have just launched a range of collectible badges celebrating their local cols in the south of France.

There are 12 badges in all, each inscribed with the name and elevation of the col. And best of all, they're free: all you have to do is ride the col, then claim your badge on the Café du Cycliste website.

'Col'-lect the full set...sorry.
'Col'-lect the full set...sorry.

Oh, there's one other step - you'll need to have logged the climb on Strava in order to prove your mettle and claim your prize.

Well, this is the digital age after all...